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maiden voyage中文是什么意思

用"maiden voyage"造句"maiden voyage"怎么读"maiden voyage" in a sentence"maiden voyage"的同义词


  • 初次航行
  • 初航
  • 处女航
  • 第一个航次
  • 首航


  • As she was prepared for her maiden voyage on august 10 , 1628 , stockholm was in a ferment .
  • They ' re having a nice promotion for the maiden voyage ,
  • The ship will start its maiden voyage next monday
  • The large ship , the titanic with2 , 207 people went down on her maiden voyage
    装载2 , 207人的大船泰坦尼克号首航就沉入海底。
  • When the titanic set out from southampton , she was sailing on her maiden voyage
  • As she was prepared of her maiden voyage on august 10 , 1628 , stockholm was in a ferment
    1628年8月10日, “瓦萨”号准备首航时,斯德哥尔摩一片欢腾。
  • But it struck an iceberg on its maiden voyage and sank about 2 1 / 2 hours later , on april 14 , 1912
    但就在1912年4月14日, “泰坦尼克号”处女航的那一天,它撞上了一座冰山,并在2个半小时后沉入海底。
  • 1962 the savannah , the world ? s first nuclear - powered ship , completed its maiden voyage from yorktown , va . , to savannah , ga
  • The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea
  • Mr . chen , also a migrant worker , said he saw a different west lake when on the maiden voyage of the “ thank - you ” boating on the lake
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"maiden voyage"造句  


  • the first voyage of its kind; "in 1912 the ocean liner Titanic sank on its maiden voyage"


The maiden voyage of a ship, aircraft or other craft is the first journey made by the craft after shakedown. A number of traditions and superstitions are associated with it.
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